Legal Assistance Schedule for 2013 Now Available


The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless have released the schedule for Homeless Legal Assistance for 2013.  We lost one site on the East Side, but the basic schedule remains the same. 

We are looking for additional attorneys to volunteer to expand the number of clinic sites.  We would love to see a monthly clinic at the new Veterans Resources on Euclid Ave. or one at the Domiciliary over in University Circle.  We would also love to find an attorney for the Carl B. Stokes Center where there are two homeless programs.  We need a place on the East Side to have a weekly clinic site.  For all that we need more attorneys to step up and volunteer for the program.  CHLAP served over 300 people last year, and we want to expand that number for 2013. We need help with taking cases, doing intake, research, or follow up assistance.

Homeless Legal Assistance can help with non-criminal matters and takes place within the shelters and social service providers.   They can help with evictions, employment disputes, family law or bankruptcy issues.  Check out the schedule or a detailed description of the program here

Brian Davis