Street Card Published and Available

After a long delay the updated Street Card is out and on the streets.  We have published the new Street Card and made it available on our website.  This was the most difficult update of the Street Card in the last 20 years.   We have been trying to figure out how to incorporate the new Coordinated intake with access to the shelters.  There were rumors that the Central Intake for families was moving and we did not want the Street Card to be published with incorrect information. There were major changes over the last year with the loss of a number of agencies that went out of business or were merged. 

Thanks to MetroHealth Hospital for printing the Street Card this year.  Every year, we ask that the major hospitals take turns in printing the Street Card.  The most popular section of our website is the Street Card page.   We are working on an update of the Family Street Card as well.  It should be done at the end of the month.  We have been producing the Street Card for over 20 years.  It is a two page document (front and back) that a person staying outside can carry around to see where to go for help.   This has information about every place that will accept a person as they walk in off the streets. 

It features shelters, legal programs, meal sites, health clinics and drop in centers locally.   We also have a Veterans Street Card available that was updated in January of 2013. 

Brian Davis

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Chris KnestrickStreet Card